Traditional Medicine Project (TMP)


In Northern Ghana around 80% of the population rely on traditional herbal remedies prepared by traditional medicine practitioners (TMP’s) for their primary healthcare needs. This traditional practice tends to operate in separately from orthodox medical provision preventing the timely referral of cases. Please see the attached TMP Report for a more detailed analysis.

To improve the linkage with and practice of 800 traditional health practitioners for better health care in 100 rural communities

Supported 7 ACDEP-member PHCs to pilot the program and actively working traditional medical practitioners.
Supported the PHC programmes to start the process of developing best practices in the integration of adolescent reproductive health and traditional medicine practice.
Identify capacity building needs for PHC staff and traditional medical practitioners.
Registered more than 371 traditional medical practitioners in 66 communities in the Upper East and Northern regions.
Trained 347 traditional medical practitioners in adolescent reproductive health.
Organised 4 experience sharing workshops for ACDEP-member PHCs and regional level partner consultation workshops.
Supported TMPs to form TMP associations at each of the 7 participating PHCs

Project Goal: 
To improve the capacity of ACDEP-member primary health care projects to provide an integrated and seamless primary health care that recognises traditional medicine practice.