RESULT Project targets 150 communities in 7 districts (Lawra, Jirapa, Talensi, Bongo, Kassena/Nankana West, Navrongo Municipal, and Nabdam) in two regions (Upper East and Upper West). Currently the project operates in 84 communities in four of the seven districts while plans are far advanced to expand to 66 communities in the remaining three (3) districts.

Other districts were not selected because they had comparatively low rates of food insecurity, were predominantly urban rather than rural, or were the location for similar major donor programs (e.g. USAID’s RING Project, MEDA’s GROW Project, or the Millennium Villages Project)

The RESULT Project supports up to 120,000 people of an estimated 15,000 food insecure and vulnerable households (based on average of 8 people per household) as direct beneficiaries, which is 18% of the population that is food insecure or vulnerable to food insecurity (680,000) in Northern Ghana. The table below shows distribution of project direct beneficiaries on the basis of sectors supported by the project:

Outcome/Activity Estimated total no. of farmers Estimated no. of male farmers % Male farmers Estimated no. of female farmers % Female farmers
Enhanced food security and resilience 15,000 households
Increased, diversified and more equitable agricultural production 21,000 8,400  40%  12,600  60%
Crop production 21,000 8,400  40%  12,600  60%
Animal production 7,500 1,500  20  6,000  80%
Aquaculture 1,000 400  40%  600  60%
Increased, diversified and more equitable incomes and assets 5,000 750  15%  4,250  85%

Indirect or intermediate beneficiaries of RESULT project include:

-          300 community agriculture workers (CAWs, target of 50% female) who will be trained and equipped to deliver crop extension services to beneficiaries.

-          50 community livestock workers (CLWs, target of 50% female) who will be trained and equipped to deliver simple veterinary services and animal husbandry training and support to beneficiaries.

-          20 ACDEP staff who are not project staff and who will be mentored and trained to improve their program management, gender, environment, climate change, and disaster risk mitigation knowledge and skills.

-          About 50 RESULT project staff who upgrade their knowledge and skills through involvement in project delivery and receive additional training or mentorship on gender and environment issues.

-          200 (20 per district) AEAs, Veterinary Service Officers, Fisheries Officers, Gender Desk Officers, and Environment Officers and 60 (20 per region) other government officials from the District Assemblies (specifically the District Planning Officers), Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (SARI), ARI, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), MoWAC, Department of Cooperatives, Department of Small Business, Meteorological Department, Water Resources Commission, etc. (target of 20% women) who will be involved in the design and delivery of agricultural extension or business development training.  These officers/officials will be trained or mentored to incorporate gender, environment, climate change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation into their services.

-          100 (10 per organization) staff from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) that will be contracted as implementing organizations in specific localities or for specific purposes – e.g. for mobilization or training of trainers (TOT) for village savings and loans groups, business planning, functional literacy and numeracy training, climate change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation, etc. These persons will be trained or mentored to incorporate gender equality, environment, climate change adaptation and disaster risk mitigation into their programming.

Finally, the RESULT Project will indirectly benefit community leaders and members in the 150 targeted communities through awareness, training and increased employment opportunities; and private sector input suppliers, aggregators and buyers.

The project specifically benefits women through a variety of targeted initiatives. Women make up the majority of farmers receiving support to increase their crop yields, and of the 5,000 people receiving direct support for income generating activities, 85 percent are women. Women (80% of beneficiaries) are also receiving livestock, and training to keep their animals healthy. This will improve the income and resiliency of some of the region’s most marginalized people and increase their economic clout in the community

Related Pages

RESULT Project - Background
Programme Purpose/Objectives
Project Outcomes
Project Implementation Strategy
Key Activities
Project Scope
Staff Strength On Programme / Project